How to recruit employees for your business in Uganda

How to recruit employees for your business in Uganda in 2021. Employee recruitment according to Wikipedia refers to the overall process of identifying, attracting, screening, shortlisting, and interviewing, suitable candidates for jobs (either permanent or temporary) within an organization or business.

Recruiting a top-quality workforce can be both time-consuming and stressful, but it is worth all the effort because your employees define your business.

How to recruit employees for your business in Uganda
Happy Employees

If you recruit weak employees your business suffers just like when you recruit a quality workforce, your business will thrive.

Today we are looking at the different steps needed to recruit quality employees for your business in Uganda. If you need employees in your business, then this post is yours.

Step 1; Find a need for an employee

Just because you have a big business does not mean you need to recruit employees.

There are thousands of big businesses that are run by very few people and they run very smoothly and effectively. As you are planning to recruit new em[ployees in your business, you need to ask yourself if there is really a need for an employee.

Employees can improve your business but still, they will also need to be paid salaries, and also use your business resources.

So is it really necessary to start recruiting new employees for your business? If you have no clue about when the right time is to recruit employees, you can ask yourself the following questions;

  • Has my business grown so that my current team can not handle its requirements?
  • Are many current employees underperforming according to the standards required by the business?
  • Is there a skill or talent for employees that my business requires and it is not currently available?

The answers to these questions can give you a clear view of whether you need new staff or you can stay put with what your business already has. If you have answered yes to most of the questions there, it means it is time to add some new faces to your staff.

Step 2; Plan carefully for your recruitment

If you are determined that recruiting new employees for your business here in Uganda is the right answer for you, then you need to plan for your new recruitment.  In this stage, you will be formulating a way how you will acquire the right type of employee who will add value to your business.

Since you already know what your business requirements are, you can start formulating a hiring paper to get you the right type of applicants for your business. Good planning allows you to scrutinize each detail of your vacant position in your business.

Step 3; Write a good job description

Now that you know what your business requires, it is time to advertise your job vacancies for your potential employees to see and apply. Here is where you have to write a perfect job description in order to nail down an employee who will serve your business the way you want him to.

Applying your time and energy to writing a quality job description can give your business the best gift to the right employee. Your job description should include one of the following or not all;

  • Key responsibilities of the employee
  • What the job entails
  • Challenges and opportunities in this job.
  • Experience level
  • Education status
  • Personal characters

Make clear what you want from your employee through your vacancy job adverts. Let the employee who you are likely to hire in the future know what it is exactly you want. This is a crucial step because it will allow you to hire the right quality of workers or not.

Step 4; Advertising your job(Searching) and receiving applications

After properly writing down your job description, it is time for your vacancy to be met by the right people. There are many ways through which people may know about the presence of vacancies in your business. You can do this by;

  • Advertising on Tv’s and radios
  • Advertising in papers
  • Using word of mouth
  • Through social media like Facebook
  • Through notice boards

After putting out your notice of job chances to the people out there, you will soon start receiving applications from those people interested in your job. The applications can be sent in hard copy or soft copy.

You can ask your secretary if you have one to receive the applications from the applicants. Most applications have deadlines for submission. If you want enough time to screen the application submitted to your business, you too need to have a deadline day for the submission of results.

Step 5; Screening & identifying the best candidates

Screening is a step that follows after receiving applications from people interested in your job. Screening is the process of looking at the applicants’ applications and shortlisting those you feel are competent enough for your job.

Screening can be done in many ways. If you have a few applications you can do it yourself, but if you have many applications, you can get a board of trusted employees to review with you the applications to keep time.

If you don’t feel content with the results written on the applicant’s application, you can give them a call since most applications have a contact written on them. After screening, you will come up with a shortlist of candidates you want to employ.

Step 6; Interview your candidates

After shortlisting your employees, you can alert rise that has been shortlisted to come for interviews.

You can do this by phone, or notice board. Interviews are also part of the screening process used to sort out the best candidates from many others.

It is advisable to have a set of questions and the answers you expect to hear from your applicants. As you are interviewing your applicants, allow them time to express themselves.

Ask more about the applicant while also considering what he or she wrote on the paper. Ask them questions like;

  • Why have you chosen to work for me?
  • What do you expect from my business?
  • Do you have any experience in a business like this?

Questions like those and many others can give you a clear response from the applicant.

Step 7; Offer a job to your employees

After interviewing your shortlisted applicants, you can now make a choice of who deserves the job and who does not.

After getting the applicant you want, you can alert them of the presence of the job either through phone or writing or somebody.

For the candidates that don’t qualify for your business, you can also alert them how their request was unsuccessful.

Step 8; Hire Your Employees

Last but not least is the hiring stage. Here the candidate has already applied, been interviewed and he has accepted the appointment of becoming an employee.

You can now register this new employee in your business register and you give him equipment like working attires, accommodation and many other privileges given to other employees.

Most businesses now also go further and train their new employees in order to make them ready for business through other people’s experience which is both time and cost-saving.

Your Turn…

Here we come to the end of our list of how to recruit employees for your business in Uganda. You can now recruit employees in your business today.

But a point to note, many employees don’t make a successful business, it is the management of the business that determines its success or failure.

What have you learnt about how to recruit employees for your business in Uganda? Talk to me in the comments section below.

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