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How to start a sewing business in Uganda

How to start a sewing business in Uganda. Are you interested in fashion and design or you are you want to put your sewing skills to work? You can do all this by starting a sewing business.

A sewing business is a type of business where a person (normally a designer) modifies, designs or makes clothing.

How to start a sewing business in Uganda
Sewing pins

By starting a sewing business, you can make money by charging a fee for designing, making, or altering clothing.

These prices are determined by calculating the amount of time and the cost of materials required for each order.

Some sewing businesses design and manufacture their own apparel, while others focus on alterations.

Starting a sewing business also has steps just like any other business and this is our focus today. So let us start;

1) A Business Plan

A clear business plan is required to start your business. You need to write down how your business will be.

A business plan will guide you through each stage of business development when starting a sewing business.

The plan should include like;

  • What is your target market is
  • The costs needed to start and run your business
  • Competitors available
  • What your business will provide
  • And many others.

Let your business be precise. A business plan comes in handy when acquiring a loan or any other financial assistance required to start your business.

2) Search Your Market

All businesses need a market for their products and services for them to survive and grow.

After making a business plan, you need to search your target area for your potential customers.

In your search, you need to find out how many customers are in your target area that will become your clients in the near future.

You need to look out for competitors too. Is the area you are targeting already with sewing machine businesses?

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The purpose of doing market research is to be firmly sure that you are not doing business in the wrong place.

3) Raise Capital

After making your business plan, you need to raise capital to start your sewing business. You can use your savings, get assistance from friends and family or get a bank loan.

Any way you choose to use it, use it to raise the capital required for your business to start.

If you have a challenge getting the best way to raise startup capital, we have a number of ways you can raise money to start your business.

Related Post: How to Raise Startup Capital for Your Business in Uganda

4) Get all the paperwork done

For a business to be counted as a business in Uganda, it needs to be registered by the URSB. You need to register your sewing business and get all the required licences to operate.

If you plan to form a limited liability corporation, a corporation, or a partnership, talk to an attorney or a lawyer to guide you through the process.

You should also apply for an employer identification number to use on business documents and tax forms.

5) Design your interior

In this step of how to start a sewing business in Uganda, you need to prepare the place of work.

If you are to work from home, you need to organise your home. You can hire an interior designer to help you arrange the place where your business will be.

Provide a place where your customers can relax while you are working on their apparel. Also, don’t forget to add mirrors inside and display racks to display your designs.

Related Post: 10 business mistakes to avoid when starting a business in Uganda.

Your workplace needs to be secure from thieves and also it needs to be tidy.

6) Buy The Machines and Tools

Once you have organised the space, it’s time to purchase tools and equipment such as sewing machines, threads, needles, embroidery supplies, ready-made patterns and computer software for creating and printing patterns.

If you are in need of all types of sewing machines and tools here in Uganda, you can find all of them at Jumia Uganda.

At Jumia Uganda, you can buy a full set of singer sewing machine for as low as 450,000 UGX and this offer is limited. Buy one now before they again raise back to the normal price of 600,000 UGX

Buy a Singer sewing machine full set now on Jumia Uganda. 

7) Get a design Chart

The design chart will have all the designs that your business can make so your customers can easily see what you can offer and also help them select a design they want from you.

This design chart should contain all those designs your business is capable of offering.

If you can label your designs, your design chart should have a design and its name attached for easy identification.

8) Promote your business

There are many ways you can reach out to your customers.

You can use your friends, family, and social media contacts to promote your business. You can also use other means like Radio, TV, Newspaper and much more.

In promoting your business, you need to target your customers and use the means of promoting your business that won’t cause you much.

Radio station promotion is by far the easiest and most effective means of promoting small businesses here in Uganda.

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You can also use social media services like Facebook and Instagram to promote your business.

Your Turn…

How to start a sewing business in Uganda. Starting a sewing business is possible and profitable as well if done right.

Have you set your mind on starting a sewing business? don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it.

Many people have failed to do things and they want to discourage others and make them failures as well so don’t listen to such people.

Share with us your experience of starting and managing a sewing business.

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