Currently active venture capitalists in Uganda

Currently active venture capitalists in Uganda.

venture capitalist (VC) according to Investopedia is a private equity investor that provides capital to companies or individuals exhibiting high growth potential in exchange for an equity stake.

This could be funding startup ventures or supporting small companies that wish to expand but do not have access to equities markets.

Currently active venture capitalists in Uganda

Are you a Ugandan and looking for funding for your business startup or do you currently own a business and want to add more capital to it, then a venture capitalist can help you with the funding.

Most Venture capitalists have a specific category of business ventures they invest in. Some invest in Agri-business ideas, others invest in tech startup ideas, some invest in Real Estate and much more.

Other venture capitalists are general and they can invest in any business as long as they see a trace of success and potential in your business.

So, How Does One Apply For Venture Capitalist Offer in Uganda?

Ways of applying for venture capitalists here in Uganda differ.

But there are general criteria that most Venture Capitalists follow to nominate or select you as a potential candidate in whom they will invest their money.

Generally, there is a questionnaire that asks key questions like;

  1. What is your name?
  2. What is your location?
  3. How old are you?
  4. What type or category of business are you doing or planning to start?
  5. What product or service will your business give to its customers?
  6. How many years have you spent working in that field of the business you are doing or planning to do?
  7. What is your level of education?
  8. Marital status?
  9. How much money do you want from the venture capitalists?
  10. Why do you think your business is worth the money you want from the Venture Capitalist (VC)?
  11. How did you hear about Venture Capitalists?

Generally, those are the most dominant questions asked by venture capitalists.

After applying either directly by seeing the venture capitalists face to face or via the internet or mail, some venture capitalists take their time to review your business and how profitable and feasible it is.

Other venture capitalists decide there and then if you qualify for their sponsorship, funding and nurturing or not.

They judge you according to your business idea mostly and also how you reply to their questions.

For venture capitalists, their sole purpose is to make profits from their investments.

Hence they are so sensitive about what type of business they invest in because they know they can easily lose their money.

If you have a profitable business idea that is feasible and promises to expand and grow big in the future, then your business idea can get funding from venture capitalists.

Enough with the talking, let us now look at;

Currently active Venture Capitalists in Uganda

East African Development Bank (EADB)

The East African Development Bank (EADB) ventures in development finance lending and the provision of related services.

EADB offers loans to medium and large-scale businesses in various sectors.

It offers financing in Real Estate, Tourism, Agro-processing and much more. To apply for funding from EADB click on this link now.

For more see their website at

Villgro Kenya

Villigro Kenya is a venture capitalist firm based in Kenya but supports all the east African Countries at large.

It is more medically sided and they like investing in medical-related startups and ideas. All you need to apply is to go to their page here and you will be asked to feel in the form for the funding.

The current amount available to be invested is $20,000. It may increase or reduce with time.

For more access them at

In conclusion

Those are the only currently active venture capitalists in Uganda. Go now and apply for your business funding and start up your own business today.

Have I left out any currently active venture capitalist firms, write it down in the comments below and it will be added as soon as possible.

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