How to make Liquid Soap in Uganda. Step-by-step guide

How to make liquid soap in Uganda. Liquid soap is famous not only in Uganda but all over the world.

It is preferably used to clean floors and wash clothes and kitchen utensils, but it is also used to wash hands and the body.

How to make Liquid Soap in Uganda. Step-by-step guide
Pouring Liquid Soap

Do you want to learn how to make liquid soap in Uganda? You are in the right place. This post will help you on your quest.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make liquid soap in Uganda.

Now let’s dive into the recipes to make liquid soap.

Also Read: How to start a soap making business in Uganda

How to make Liquid soap in Uganda recipe 1

Here is one way how to make liquid soap in Uganda.


  • Turning stick or long spatula
  • Hand gloves to protect your hands. Touching the soap directly with your hands can cause cracked skin
  • Measuring spoon and a funnel (to add to the bottles)
  • Nose mask: to protect you from inhaling the concentrated chemicals
  • Plastic bowls or buckets
  • Bottles for packing
  • Towel for wiping bottles dry and cleaning of hands when done
  • Water
  • Long sleeves, trousers, shoes, and socks to completely cover yourself to protect from spillage over the skin


  • 1 cup soda ash (sodium carbonate) – This serves as a stain remover, it helps to soften hard water.
  • Fragrance (as desired)
  • Colorant (as desired)
  • 20 litres of water– This serves as the solvent.
  • 1 cup C.M.S (Antisol and Nitrosol)– These agents serve as a thickener in liquid soap
  • 1/2 cup STPP ( sodium tripolyphosphate)– This acts as a foam booster 2 litres Sulphonic (sulfonic) acid– This is the agent that helps to produce foam in liquid soap
  • 1/4 cup Texapon – This is a foaming agent which forms micelles that allow non-polar materials like oil to be dissolved in water
  • 1/2 cup SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate)– This agent helps to break surface tension (surfactant) to allow better interaction with other chemicals, it also produces foams
  • 2 tablespoons preservative
  • 1/2 cup Caustic soda – This is an agent that removes dirt from clothes

How to mix the chemicals

  • Dissolve the Antisol with 2 litres of water and let it stay for at least 24 hours; If you are using Nitrosol, dissolve it with 5 litres of water and use it immediately.
  • Dissolve caustic soda with 1 litre of water and keep it overnight for fermentation to take place.
  • Dissolve soda ash with 1 tin milk of water and keep it overnight.
  • The next day, dissolve STPP with 1 cup of water and keep it aside.
  • Dissolve SLS with 1 cup of water and keep aside.
  • Dissolve Texapon with sulphonic acid and keep aside.
  • Finally, dissolve the colourant with 1 cup of water (make sure you dissolve the colour completely).


  • Add caustic soda solution and stir till the whole salt is fully dissolved. Caustic soda is very corrosive, make sure you are careful.
  • Add the sulphonic acid a little at a time till all is added to it. Stir gently as the product may foam heavily.
  • Continually add water to it and stir until the mixture turns white.
  • Add the dissolved STPP and keep stirring.
  • Add the dissolved SLS to the content and stir.
  • Add soda ash and stir Turn the mixture into the bowl containing the Antisol or Nitrosol and keep stirring till the solution thickens.
  • Stirring should be done very slowly because vigorous turning may lead to excess foaming.
  • Add the dissolved colourant.
  • If the foaming is excessive, stop stirring till the foaming disappears and turn again.
  • You can as well dilute the mixture with water if it is too thick.
  • Add fragrance and preservative and stir.
  • When all the chemicals are well mixed, leave the mixture to stay for some hours, and finally package it into bottles.

How to make Liquid soap in Uganda recipe 2

This second method is simpler:


  • 1/4 cup castile soap bar ( (grated, and tightly packed).
  • 1 1/4 cups boiling water.
  • 1 tablespoon washing soda (use a little more for thicker soap).
  • 10-30 drops of essential oil (optional)
  • 1/4 cup liquid castile soap.


  • Add grated castile soap to boiling water and stir until dissolved.
  • Add washing soda and stir.
  • Add liquid castile soap and stir.
  • Let mixture cool, then add essential oils.
  • Transfer to a repurposed soap dispenser.

Those are the two ways how you can make liquid soap in Uganda. For more details on how to make liquid soap in Uganda, visit this site

Your Turn…

That is how you can make liquid soap in Uganda. What have you learnt most? Share with us in the comments section below.

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